Talks 2023
2022-12-17 - DevFest Mons - DevSecOps: add Security to your DevOps! (with @adrienpessu )
2022-12-01 - Microsoft (internal) - How to talk (and why) to Developers!
2022-11-17 - Cloud Expo Europe - DevSecOps : de la Sécurité dans mon DevOps
2022-11-04 - GoTech World - DevSecOps: add Security to your DevOps!
2022-10-20 - DevFest Nantes - DevSecOps : de la sécurité dans mon DevOps (with @adrienpessu )
2022-10-11 - SFEIR Cloud Night (Internal Event) - Copilot: Your AI Programmer
2022-09-22 - NantesJUG - Copilot: Your AI Programmer
2022-09-13 - Telecom Valley - GitHub from Zero to Hero
2022-09-09 - Jug Summer Camp - Developer et Deployer sur le cloud avec GitHub
2002-07-01 - Breizhcamp - DevSecOps : de la sécurité dans mon DevOps (with @adrienpessu )
2022-06-28 - Agile Trends - Copilot: Your AI Programmer
2022-06-27 - DevOps and Cloud Days - Develop and Deploy in the Cloud for the Cloud with GitHub | Copilot: Your AI Programmer
2022-06-27 - SophiaConf - Copilot : L’intelligence artificielle au service des développeurs
2022-06-16 - Kubernetes Geneva Meetup - Simplifier le developpement et déploiment d'applications sur Kubernetes avec GitHub- 2022-02-15 - Microsoft DevOps Forum 2022 - DevSecOps : Add Security to your DevOps
2021-12-08 - Microsoft DevOps Forum 2021 - Application Security & DevSecOps: Shifting Left with GitHub Advanced Security
2021-11-02 - Asynconf 2021 - GitHub Codespaces: Contribute to a project in few minutes
2021-10-07 - CloudNord (Virtual) - GitHub Codespaces: Contribute to a project in few minutes
2021-09-29 - DevoxxFR - Redis: From key value to multi-model
2021-09-23 - DataOps.Rocks - From DevOps to DevSecOps: developing secure applications, together!
2021-07-08 - SAAS Forward
2021-06-29 - SophiaConf - Code to Clode, codez, testez et déployez dans le cloud avec GitHub & Codespaces
2020-01-23 - Poitou JUG : Redis: From Key/Value to Multimodal database
2020-01-20 - Nantes JUG : Redis: From Key/Value to Multimodal database
2020-01-09 - Société Generale :Fast Cars, Big Data - How Streaming Can Help Formula 1 (Private Event: Streaming Day)
2019-12-19 - SII Nantes : Introduction to Redis (Private Event: Speak’Up)
2019-12-18 - Zenika lille : Redis Workshop(Private Event: Lunch&Learn)
2019-12-17 - Ch’ti JUG : Redis: From Key/Value to Multimodal database
2019-12-17 - AXA : Fast Cars, Big Data - How Streaming Can Help Formula 1 (Private Event: Lunch&Learn)
2019-12-13 - SopraSteria : Redis: From Key/Value to Multimodal database (Private Event: Lunch&Learn)
2019-11-12 - Code Motion Berlin : Fast Cars, Big Data - How Streaming Can Help Formula 1
2019-12-03 - Containers Today Stockholm : Redis - run the most loved database in your containers infrastructure
2019-11-27 - Kanoma : NoSQL Introduction with Redis (Meetup)
2019-11-15 - Cap Gemini : Redis: From Key/Value to Multimodal database (Private Event: Lunch&Learn)
2019-10-18 - Micropole : NoSQL Introduction with Redis (Private Event: Lunch&Learn)
2019-07-24 - Kanoma : Introduction to Apache Kafka and Streaming Architecture (Meetup)
2019-05-20 - NantesJug : Quarkus Introduction
2019-05-15 - Riviera Dev : Développement Cloud-Natif Java avec Spring Boot, ISTIO et Eclipse Che
2019-04-18 - Devoxx France - Paris : Développement et déploiement sur le cloud avec Spring Boot, ISTIO et Eclipse Che
2019-11-22 - Codeur en Seine : Découvrir par l’exemple : Microservices et Event Sourcing avec Kafka et Kubernetes
2018-11-08 - DevFest Toulouse : Découvrir par l’exemple: Microservices et Event Sourcing avec Kafka et Kubernetes
2018-11-06 - Toulouse Data Sciences : Big data processing avec Apache Kafka et KSQL
2018-05-16 - Riviera Dev : Fast Data Processing Pipeline for Predicting Flight Delays Using Apache APIs: Kafka, Spark ML, Drill, With MapR-DB JSON
2018-01-24 - SnowCamp : Stream Processing with Apache Flink
2017-11-23 - Codeur En Seine : Stream Processing with Apache Flink
2017-10-27 - Soft Shake Geneva : Stream Processing with Apache Flink
2017-09-28 - DevFest Toulouse : Stream Processing with Apache Flink
2017-09-15 - JUG Summer Camp : Stream Processing with Apache Flink
2017-07-05 - Big Data Analytics for Financial Services :Take control of your Data
2017-06-29 - Big Data Montpellier : Stream Processing with Apache Flink
2017-06-13 - Berlin Buzzwords : Streaming and the Internet of Things: Hands-on Workshop
2017-06-08 - BDX JUG : Stream Processing with Apache Flink
2017-05-16 - Code Motion Amsterdam : Fast Cars, Big Data - How Streaming Can Help Formula 1
2017-05-11 - Devoxx UK : Fast Cars, Big Data - How Streaming Can Help Formula 1
2017-04-19 - IoT Tech Day : Fast Cars, Big Data - How Streaming Can Help Formula 1
2017-04-06 - Devoxx France : Stream Processing with Apache Flink
2017-03-29 - Code Motion Tel Aviv : Real World Use Cases: Hadoop and NoSQL in Production
2017-03-24 - Code Motion Rome : Fast Cars, Big Data - How Streaming Can Help Formula 1
2017-03-06 - Big Data Paris : Datascience Panel
2017-02-10 - Snowcamp : Build a Time Series Application with Spark Streaming, Kafka and HBase
2017-02-09 - Snowcamp : Fast Cars, Big Data - How Streaming Can Help Formula 1
2017-02-07 - JFokus : Build a Time Series Application with Spark Streaming, Kafka and HBase
2017-02-06 - JFokus : Fast Cars, Big Data - How Streaming Can Help Formula 1
2013-11-13 - Devoxx Belgium - Elastify your application; from SQL to NoSQL in less than 1h! with David Pilato
2013-10-24 - Softshake (Geneva) - Introduction to NoSQL with Couchbase
2013-09-24 - Couchbase Meetup (London) - Couchbase Document Design and Query
2013-07-18 - Couchbase Meetup (London) - Introduction to Couchbase + meet the Couchbase team
2013-06-13 - Breizhcamp (Rennes) - Introduction to NoSQL with Couchbase
2013-06-07 - Dot Scale (Paris) - Lightning Talk “From 0 to 50 million user in 50 days”
2013-04-26 - NoSQL Matters (Cologne) - Introduction to Map Reduce with Couchbase 2.0 | Generic Panel
2013-04-25 - MiX IT - Introduction to NoSQL with Couchbase
2013-03-04 - Big Data Paris - NoSQL & Big Data : Hadoop Integration Patterns and tools | Hadoop Ecosystem Panel
2013-03-29 - Devoxx France - Elastifiez votre application : du SQL au NoSQL en moins d’une heure ! with David Pilato | NoSQL BOF
2012 and earlier
2012-12-01 - Open World Forum - Portal: “Enterprise 2.0 Portals: What’s New for Developers?“ | CMS/GED – Share the Information (content and document)
2012-10-23 - Open World Forum - eXo & the Cloud
2012-03-21 - Documation - eXo Platform 3.5 | Cloud Workspaces
2012-01-26 - Cap Gemini Event - eXo Platform | Enterprise Social Network | Cloud Vision
2011-10-13 - MEITO 2011 (Rennes) - Open Source and Open API
2011-09-16 - Open Source Day (Warsaw) - eXo Platform: A Journey from the Social Intranet to Development in the Cloud
2011-09-08 - Jug Summer Camp (La Rochelle) - Cloud IDE | OpenSocial & Portlet development
2011-04-18 - Ippevent Paris - Petit Tour de la Planète eXo
2009-11-12 - Skills Matter/Xebia Open Source Exchange - Open Source Portals & eXo Platform
2009-05-26 - Google I/0 - Open Social in the Enterprise
2009-03-26 - OW2/Linux Solutions - Next gen Portals: how OpenSocial standard adds social to the mix
2006-05-16 - Java One - Simplifying Enterprise Development With Scripting with Guillaume Laforge